Thursday, August 13, 2009

The matters of inter-subjectivity, the idea that people receive messages, interpret them in their own way and change it as they send it along, and of inter-textuality, the idea that no message is complete as for each particular person it gains different meaning, depending on all the other messages they have received and sent, have recently caught my attention. The message they receive is determined by their own personal experiences. I believe that this misinterpretation and confidence that what others understand by something is the same or similar to what you understand, has always played a part in the outcome of society and human history.

This topic is fast becoming an important one. As New Communication Technologies become more interactive, the problem of misinterpretation is getting worse. As I study NCT further in the following weeks, I hope I can gain an understanding of the effect that the technology, which has progressed so far in such a short period of time, is having on our world.


  1. Are you admitting that no-body can truly understand anybody else?

  2. whats wrong with that. it has truth in it. we are all subject to our own personal translation of any and every message. say gay to yourself.........what do you here, happy or homosexual?
